A shopping-tuning exclusivity turbine is working on Montee upscale meets the standards of the manufacturer, the compatibility with your vehicle assure you its perfect optimization. Quality product - contact our service for more detail available - you can order. All parts are also sold separately in the shop. Click on the image to open the page.
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Here are our other models of LED upscale - click on the image - proled. 1 of the LED in europe. To help you find the right bulb click on this link: find the right bulb. 3 modes of payment accepted. Transfer: to refer to the table below. (You can find all our coordinates for Belgium and France and international).This article is new, like all our items, our other models to discover in our shop! Everyday hundreds of new products. Delivery within 4-6 days (see our terms of sale) - however, if you notice a delay in the delivery of your order, thank you to contact us immediately, your object may be lost in the post, our packages go with monitoring and dice receipt of your complaint, the research will be conducted.
Thank you for your understanding. Conditions: Your payment must be received within 10 days, the sale is subject to obligations, any Bidder and / or purchaser agrees to pay the purchase, otherwise a time of 2 days is allowed to cancel your purchase if you make the payment, and 7 days if your payment does not reach us. Thank you and do not bid or buy this item if you are not sure you want this item. Obtaining your evaluation: after we have assessed, sent a message asking for your review, it will be thus left within 24 hours. European distribution is also this: click on the links. After ordering your item please pay as soon as possible if you do not pay within 10 days. You will receive an unpaid alert, if you have 3 alerts, your account will be suspended.You will find all the information to make the payment in the table dessu. For consolidated shipment (combined control), we offer a discount (please contact us before ordering). We will give you a price for your order. We will ship your item ordered 48 hours after your payment.
The time of our delivery in Europe: 5 - 8 days. We also ship to overseas departments and territories (beware ask the shipping before purchase). We check every item in good condition before leaving. Please renew and check your address before paying, if shipment is not received / á lost cause.In the address wrong on your part, we will not be liable. After receiving your item, we ask you to leave us a review if you find any dissatisfaction. If defective articles (damaged during delivery), please return it to us, we can reship. A return item must not have a sign dabus or intentional damage.
We are at your complete. Apparatus combination available if you have questions. Remember, for your review, you must send us a message, good merchandise reception. And mention that you want to be evaluated for this command. Again thank you for your visit and good day.
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